Who We Are
acuCyber is a small business headquartered in Charleston, SC specializing in assisting clients with their most challenging needs around cybersecurity, compliance, risk management, IT, security engineering and program management.
acuCyber brings experience across multiple sectors supporting a multitude of customers. We bring value-added, effective, precise support to ensure your cybersecurity and IT needs are met. Your mission becomes our mission. Securely.

Who We Support
acuCyber is currently providing support across a number of strategic DoD, Navy, and Combatant Commands. Our goal is to continue to provide excellent support to existing customers and welcome new clients into our team!
Contract Vehicles
We are continuously increasing access to our team across a number of Prime and Subcontracts for the DoD and other Federal Government entities. acuCyber’s current list of Prime contracts are listed here. Please contact us to discuss any of our Prime or Subcontract vehicles where we can provide support.
SeaPort Next Generation (SeaPort NxG)
SeaPort Next Generation (SeaPort NxG) is the Navy’s electronic platform and primary means for acquiring support services in 23 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. The Navy Systems Commands (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, NAVWAR, NAVFAC, and NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Military Sealift Command (MSC), and the United States Marine Corps (USMC).
Contract Number: N00178-21-D-8887
Period of Performance: 14 July 2021 – 01 January 2029
More information:
Information Warfare Research Project (IWRP)
Information Warfare Research Project (IWRP) is an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) collaboration that engages industry and academia to develop and mature technologies in the field of Information Warfare that enhance Navy and Marine Corps mission effectiveness.
More information: